SBS Competency update

A voice from Microsoft confirmed that the Exam 70-323 is not obligatory any more. At the end of August, it will be added the exam 70-324, which is the “light version” of 70-323. It is especially developed for small businesses and it will not have complex questions about hybrid and big enterprise environments.
I suggest you, that if you are interested in doing this exam, to join Jump Start.

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What are thinking SBS professionals about the future in the SMB segment

Few days ago SMB Nation did a survey about the SBS and SBSC in the future. I was also a part of this survey and actually I saw that no one is happy with the SBS end of life decision. The second thing, that is visible from the survey, is the clear way of partners to go to the market with third party solutions, more then with Cloud. We can also see, that the SBS Competency is not very popular, or maybe it loses the right value with the SBS end of live.
You can read a complete article about the survey here. I suggest you also to read the blog posted by  Harry Brelsford about SBS product clarifications..

One of the SMB150 winners!

Thanks to everyone who helped me to be one of the SMB 150 Influencers for 2012, the event organized by SMB Nation and SMB Technology Network. I am very excited about this. On SMB 150 site you can read “The SMB 150 honors individuals who have made a significant impact on the worldwide small and medium business (SMB) channel” and I am very happy to be part of this story and to know, that I am doing a good job. Thanks again to my supporters!


SMB_150_Winners_Press_Release.pdf (266.62 kb).